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Le Panorama : Cultural space

WELCOME TO THE TIGNES cultural space « Le Panorama »

In a pleasant setting with a 360 view of the resort, come and discover our new products for young and old. Alone or accompanied, with family or with a group of friends, come relax and have a good time.



opening dates & times

> From Monday to Sunday : 10:00 - 19:00



¡Al final del día, sigue conectado con el resto del mundo! Mira tus correos electrónicos, comparte tus mejores fotos en el muro de Facebook de Tignes o reta a tus amigos durante una partida de juego en red: ¡El espacio Tignes Multimedia te ofrece una multitud de servicios informáticos!

TE ESPERAMOS en la última planta de la Maison de Tignes Le Lac


Cultural area

All the cultural activities on offer are freely accessible during Panorama opening hours.




Artistic, cultural, historical, associative... Throughout the year, several exhibitions on a wide range of subjects are on offer at Panorama.



Photographic exhibition "24 stations"



Since 2009, the collaboration between the Fondation Facim and EDF Hydro Alpes has led to the creation of the original Chemins de l'hydroélectricité discovery trail. The 24 stations exhibition by artist Sylvie Bonnot follows on from this project, presenting 24 previously unpublished photographs that sublimate the form and force of water, from its natural state as an indispensable resource to the human harnessing of a renewable energy that must be preserved.


The exhibition is open during Panorama opening hours, from 08/07 to 01/08/2024.



Watercolour exhibition "L'île suspendue"



Located beneath the Arctic Circle, the Suspended Island is a landmass open to the four winds. In March 2023, artist Lauriane Miara will be taking up a residency in Iceland, in the North-West Fjords region. Residing aboard the sailing vessel ATKA, which was wintering in Isafjordur, she explored the surrounding mountains to awaken an expansive imagination. In her exhibition L'île suspendue (Suspended Island), the artist presents watercolours from her residency, gently depicting the landscapes she observed.


The exhibition is open during Panorama opening hours, from 01/08 to 30/08/2024.

Digital and immersive experiences

The digital and immersive experiences are inaccessible every Sunday from 17:00 to 19:00.


Experience Tignes' history on a virtual reality headset

This experience allows users to take a 100-year leap back in time, from life in the old village in the 1920s to the history of the resort up to 2024 (agropastoralism, construction of the dam, relocation of the village, the advent of winter sports, etc.), all via virtual reality headsets.


> The experience lasts between 10 and 15 minutes.

> Accessible during Panorama opening times, free of charge and without booking, for children aged 12 and over.



Augmented reality experience on touchscreen tablet

The experience allows users to discover the Tignes area and its riches in augmented reality. By pointing the touch-sensitive tablet at the map of Tignes on the virtual reality table, 6 points of interest are displayed, presenting information about the area in a fun and educational way (water and energy resources, the glacier, local flora and fauna, etc.). A mini-game is available for younger users, in which you have to find several items on the map to unlock a reward.


> The length of the experience depends on how much you use it.

> Accessible to all during Panorama opening times, free of charge and without booking.




Take a look at the surrounding mountains, their names and altitudes, using the two augmented reality telescopes installed on the Panorama terraces.


> Accessible to all during Panorama opening times, free of charge and without booking.

Chill corner



Come and relax in an armchair after your day's exploits.


> Access to the lounge is free.



Board games

Having a gloomy day? We've got you covered! Come and play one of our many board games: Doodle, Jungle speed, Timeline, chess, Unlock, Dixit, Time's up, Carcassonne, puzzles... In all, around twenty games for all ages.


> All the games are available free of charge in exchange for ID (as a deposit). Only on site.




Make yourself comfortable and immerse yourself in your favourite book. Our selection: novels, thrillers, comics, manga, mountain, outdoor, fiction...


> Access to the library is completely free.

Espace Panorama Tignes

Gamers corner

The game corner is inaccessible every Sunday from 17:00 to 19:00.


Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just want to spend some quality time with friends, the Gamers Corner is the place for you! Fortnite, Roblox, Fall Guys, WoW and much more await you.


Duration Price
30 minutes 3,00€

1 hour

2 hours 9,00€
3 hours 12,00€
Day (6 hours) 15,00€
Week (7 days) 40,00€

Espace Panorama Tignes

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