On this page you'll find all the information you need to make your family holiday in our beautiful resort a success.
Need more information ? Don't hesitate to contact us via our contact form or by phone on 04 79 40 04 40
Before you arrive, it's a good idea to think ahead about childcare arrangements. Many of the resort's accommodation providers offer childcare as part of their services : see the list of accommodation providers offering childcare.
You can also call on professionals who can take care of your children : see the list of professionals who can take care of your children.
A more comprehensive list of babysitters is also available on request from the Maisons de Tignes : 04 79 40 04 40 // information@tignes.net
For snow sports lessons, remember to register your children before you arrive : see snow sports providers and schools
Some snow sports schools allow you to book lunch : renseignez-vous auprès des prestataires.
Finally, you have other options :
Forgotten or simply need childcare equipment for your child? Some of the resort's operators offer equipment rental : see the list of equipment rental companies
There are several ways to get to Tignes, which you can find here : come to Tignes
Our service provider Snow Taxi has been awarded the "Famille Plus" label and can meet your mobility needs, for example for a trip to Tignes from the Bourg Saint Maurice train station.